Hotel industry expectations in 2017

Hotel industry is being considered  as one of the most attractive sectors thanks to its flexibility and profitability. In 2016, hotel industry knew a rapid development that raised solid investments. Even companies that are not focused on hotel business are entering the market influence thanks to these factors. According to the study of World Travel & Tourism Council, world tourist rates (arrived/departed tourists) have increased by 3,1 at a global rate. As reported by Hospitalitynet, one of the most important trends that are foreseen to define 2017’s hotel industry is collaboration, which means sharing ideas and activities, joining power with companies that share the common objectives. This will allow companies to expand their business and gain new customers. Being under the management of large hotel operators is also being very profitable for small hotels, which are now offering high quality standards. Famous brand chains such as Hilton Hotel, Marriot and Sheraton  are expanding their activity worldwide by taking small hotels under their “roof”. Moreover, by 2019, there will probably exist more hotel names based on brands from the fashion industry, such as Bulgari which will open its 7th hotel in Moscow. In fact, these are specific luxury hotels that offer unique services for their customers. These kind of accommodation are called boutique hotels, and they usually have 40 or 50 rooms at maximum. An interesting example is CR7 hotel, which is a sport-elite that offers high-quality services focused on the interests of their customers. By following this trend, a hotel is becoming more than a place to stay for sleeping and eat. Hotels are becoming experience-centered, in order to provide a better stay to their customers and to make them feel at home, gathering several types of services inside the building.

At Twissen we observed that the hotel industry following the experience trend, providing high quality services to their customers and developing new typologies of collaboration to enhance their performances.

Author: Martina Baldo
She graduated in Intercultural Development of Tourism Systems and she has a passion for foreign languages and cultures. Since 2016 she works as administration and tourism project manager at Twissen.

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