Culture and digital, the key factors for italian heritage sites

In 2016 Milan surpassed Rome in number of international arrivals, as reported by the “Global Destination Cities Index 2016” released by Mastercard. In fact, Milan is at 14th place in the rank, and Rome is at 16th place, in spite of Lazio being one of the most visited Italian regions, along with Veneto, Lombardy and Tuscany. Moreover, Rome registered 13% of total number of tourists in the Region, as underlined by the report “Rapporto Italia 2017” by Eurispes. The Global Destination Cities Index shows that the Italian capital city hosted 7,12 million international arrivals, surpassed by Milan with 7,65 million.

As underlined in the e-tourism report published by BEM Research, the digitalisation of the historical, cultural and artistic heritage is one of the factors that are leading tourism flows towards Northern Italy. The Report shows that, in spite of the development of the digital strategies that have been implemented in recent years, there is a gap between the Da Vinci’s “Last Supper” in Milan, the Italian heritage site which has registered the best online performances, and the Museo del Prado in Madrid, which is on the top of the European rank. The Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Tower of London follow the Spanish museum in the ranking.

At Twissen we observed that there is room for the development of the digital promotion of Italian cultural sites, which could increase the number of tourism flows in the Country and provide interesting business opportunties.

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