- 9 November 2022
- Posted by: Twissen
- Category: Policies & funding

The Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia has published a call for proposals for the Interreg VI Italy-Slovenia Programme 2021-2027, with a deadline of 20 December 2022.
It is a Call for Capitalisation. Projects under this umbrella are understood as operations deriving from existing cooperation potentials in the Programme area by implementing pilot actions, or by testing or implementing existing solutions and transferring existing solutions/outputs/deliverables to the IT-SL Programme area.
The overall objective is the capitalisation of experiences and outputs achieved through the implementation of projects co-financed by the Interreg V-A Italy Slovenia Programme 2014-2020. The three objectives to be pursued to this end are:
- Follow-Up and enhancement of outputs/deliverables
- Transferability/reuse of outputs
- Communication/visibility of outputs/deliverables
The Programme is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), which has an available contribution of EUR 14.3 million to be distributed among the three strategic objectives and one specific Interreg objective (ISO), i.e. a more competitive and smarter Europe:
- more competitive and intelligent through the promotion of innovative and smart economic transformation and regional connectivity to information and communication technologies (ICT)
- resilient, greener and low-carbon but in transition to a zero net carbon economy through the promotion of a clean and equitable energy transition, green and blue investments, circular economy, climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk management and prevention as well as sustainable urban mobility
- more social and inclusive through the implementation of the European pillar of social rights
- (ISO) better governance of cooperation
Sustainable tourism is confirmed as one of the topics of greatest interest along with culture, inclusion and social innovation. The recommended size for each funded project should be between EUR 300,000 and 600,000.
At Twissen, we consider communication an essential part of the capitalisation of a project. Dissemination helps to disseminate and promote results and outputs resulting from project implementation. In addition, it allows new benchmarks to be set and good practices to be disseminated.