EU invests 12 million in sustainable tourism and SMEs support for COVID-19 recovery

The call for proposals “Covid-19 Recovery through Sustainable Tourism Growth and SME Support” under the EU’s Single Market Programme (SMP) is open until February 16, 2022 with a total budget of 12 420 000 euros 

Direct support to the tourism sector is aimed at fostering a more resilientinnovative and sustainable ecosystem. In this perspective, the overall objective is to monitor the sustainability performance of SMEs in the sector and, at the same time, to develop their capacities and awareness for sustainable innovations. The main areas of interest are: preservation of natural heritage and biodiversity; development of agricultural, sport, rural and ecological tourism with a focus on the slow approach; support and development of cultural heritage.   

Eligible projects can be submitted with a budget ranging from 900 000 euros to 1.2 million euros for a maximum duration of 36 months.   

The proposing consortium must be transnational and composed of a minimum of 5 organisations, of which at least BSO (Business Support Organisation) and one DMO (Destination Management Organisation). Proposals must provide direct support to at least 80 SMEs in the tourism sector, distributed in at least 3 EU countries. Grants of up to EUR 10 000 can be awarded to SMEs involved.   

At Twissen, we recognise the increasing importance placed on creating a strong and balanced partnership. The quality of the team and the internal management of cooperation is reflected in the role played by each participating organisation. In fact, for this call, the quality of the partnership is a specific award criterion weighing 30 points out of 100.   

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