Next business opportunities from 2018 EU-China Tourism Year

In the framework of 2018 EU-China Year of Tourism promoted by European Travel Commission there are several initiatives that are in progress and some interesting business opportunities that are published in the “Get involved” section of the official website

The call for proposal “Thematic Transnational Promotional Campaigns for the Promotion of Destination Europe in China” aims to increase awareness of the destination and develop products that can maintain inbound tourism market share.

Proposed campaigns must be transnational, original, creative and target-group oriented, focused on themes, tourist products or services in Europe.
Target audience must be aged 25-44; according to ECT researches, those travellers engage in cultural and passion-based activities and demand for experience.

Main themes are culture and heritage, shopping and high-end travel products, coastal and maritime tourism, nature heritage and outdoors experiences, gastronomy and transnational routes such as cultural itineraries, cycling routes, etc.
Relevant campaigns must balance on-line and off line initiatives, trade and B2B activities and must be completed by 31 March 2019 and must be conceived, executed and completed by a consortium of partner organisations.

The deadline for application is 9 April 2018.

A full range of trade initiatives follows.
A dedicated Europe Pavillion will be present at COTTM 2018 in Beijing from 16-18 April and a multitude of European tourism products and destinations will be showcased.

Registration are open for the following events:

  • ITB China 2018, tradeshow in Shanghai from 16-18 May;
  • GTEF- Global Tourism Economy Forum 2018, tradeshow in Macao from 23-24 October;
  • CITM-China International Travel Mart 2018, tradeshow in Shanghai from 16-18 November;
  • Partnership in European Tourism, event in Shanghai in November;
  • Partnership in European Tourism, event in Chengdu in December.

At Twissen we record several relevant initiatives for the 2018 EU-China Tourism Year. China is a very competitive and innovative travel market and, in order to succeed, businesses must have sound plans, skilled human resources and a deep knowledge of the customer.

Author: Francesco Redi
President and founder at Twissen. Manager in Local Development, Tourism Policies,  EU Funds. He cooperates with several European universities, public bodies, development agencies, DMOs and enterprises.

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