- 24 January 2022
- Posted by: Twissen
- Category: Policies & funding

Horizon Europe is the EU programme dedicated to research and innovation and has a total budget of €95.5 billion, including €5.4 billion for Next Generation EU, the plan for Europe’s recovery.
The programme is based on three cross-cutting pillars: Excellent Science, Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness, and Innovative Europe. The key strategic orientations can be summarised as: digitisation, protection of biodiversity, environmental and economic sustainability, creating a resilient, inclusive and democratic society.
Within the Programme, the tourism sector can be covered by the Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society cluster, part of the second pillar, with a budget of €93 million for the “Cultural Heritage” action area for 2022 only. The objectives and priorities are the strengthening of democratic governance and citizen participation, the safeguarding and promotion of cultural heritage and the management of multifaceted transformations in the social, economic, technological and cultural fields. Concretely, research activities will focus on the development of new approaches, concepts and practices for an increasingly sustainable, accessible and inclusive cultural tourism.
The calls of interest for the 2022 for Travel & Tourism will be opened in the second half of January.
At Twissen, we observe a potential increase in the total budget of about 20 billion compared to the previous programme. This is a positive prospect for enterprises in the Travel & Tourism sector, which are dealing with the challenge of sustainability in a modern way.
For further information on projects financed in the 2014-2020 budgetary period, see SmartCulTour and TExTOUR.