Patentino dell’Ospitalità

Patentino dell'Ospitalità turismo


Patentino dell'Ospitalità

The project includes a series of training and informational meetings that serve as a prerequisite for obtaining the certificate “Patentino dell’Ospitalità”, with significant support from the Treviso-Belluno Chamber of Commerce.

The training program is aimed at local tourism businesses, members of Ascom-Confcommercio, Coldiretti Treviso, Confartigianato Imprese , and interested private citizens. The program comprises four meetings, each focusing on a specific theme, with the possibility of adding two supplementary meetings dedicated to topics ensuring eligibility to become an Info Point. The course concludes with a final conference and a networking meeting.

To date, five editions of the initiative for the Montello Area Brand and  two editions for the Terre di Asolo and Monte Grappa Area Brand have been completed. Starting in 2025, an edition will also be held for the Villorba and Treviso Nord Area Brand.


Since 2020 – Montello Area Brand

Since 2023 – Terre di Asolo and Monte Grappa Area Brand

Since 2025 – Villorba and Treviso Nord Area Brand


The project benefits from the decisive contribution of the Treviso-Belluno Chamber of Commerce and, depending on the reference territory, the support of Ascom Confcommercio, Coldiretti Treviso, Confartigianato Imprese, and others.

Objectives and results

The joint training program aims to:

  • Explore and analyze current tourism trends to better understand the tourism ecosystem in which we operate
  • Learn about, enhance, and promote the local area and its products for tourism purposes
  • Create and strengthen networking connections
  • Get to know local and extra-local entrepreneurial realities


Oggi Treviso: Consegnati quaranta Patentini dell’ospitalità agli operatori socio economici del Montello

Treviso Today: Montello diventa marchio d’area: «Nuovo slancio per attrarre turismo»

Learn more

Final conference Patentino dell’Ospitalità 2024: clicca qui

Videos of previous meetings: clicca qui

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