E-CHAIN - Enhanced Connectivity and Harmonization of data for the Adriatic Intermodal Network
Support service in Work Package 3 to design the technical-IT platform and its services in order to develop the activities in the 3 pilot sites identified by the project.
Activities were carried out such as the analysis of the state of the art, identification of stakeholders, definition of scenarios, analysis of users’ transport needs.
The E-CHAIN project was co-financed within the framework of the Interreg V A Italy-Croatia Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020.
Year 2021
The Service was entrusted by the Municipality of Ancona, project partner.
Objectives and results
For the realisation of the assignment, the following outputs were achieved:
- Definition of the specifications and requirements to be met by the platform service providers in order to access the platform;
- Description of the process architecture at the base of the IT platform;
- Verification of the compliance of the included services with the specifications;
- Verification of the viability of the platform and its functionalities before its implementation in the pilot sites.